Well, it's official. I'm a college grad and I've been living in the "real" world for five whole days now. Unfortunately for me, everything feels more and more surreal as each minute passes. Graduation from Wheaton was an incredible day of tears and smiles, but nothing could mask my giddiness for the adventure ahead. In just four short days I will board a plane (well, really a set of 3 different planes) and fly all the way to Amman, Jordan. For the next 3 months I will call Amman my home. And after that? Wherever the wind takes me! I haven't the slightest idea what to anticipate - but then again that is how I tend to do things. Leap and then look, right?
While in Amman I will be working as research assistant to Sarah Tobin, a professor of Anthroplogy at Wheaton. Overlooking the details (I don't speak Arabic, have never travelled to the Middle East) and focusing on the positives, ( ready for anything, love hummus, took several Anthro courses) I feel prepared to be a fantastic research assistant. But what will the rest of my life in Jordan look like? I expect to eat amazing food. I expect to take incredible photographs. I expect to make a few mistakes. Beyond these...we'll just have to wait and see.
Here's to the real world!
While in Amman I will be working as research assistant to Sarah Tobin, a professor of Anthroplogy at Wheaton. Overlooking the details (I don't speak Arabic, have never travelled to the Middle East) and focusing on the positives, ( ready for anything, love hummus, took several Anthro courses) I feel prepared to be a fantastic research assistant. But what will the rest of my life in Jordan look like? I expect to eat amazing food. I expect to take incredible photographs. I expect to make a few mistakes. Beyond these...we'll just have to wait and see.
Here's to the real world!